
Webinar Recap – Identification, Implementation and Integration

How do we identify our vulnerable customers? How do we integrate management of vulnerable individuals into our processes? How should we treat vulnerable customers? How does it affect our decision-making processes?

There isn’t a single answer to how we help vulnerable people achieve the right outcomes but there are steps we should be taking. Our event on the 14th June helped to provide some of the answers and show how VRS is working with partners to enable organisations to effectively improve the customer journey for those in vulnerable situations.

Speakers from Gamstop, Changing Lives, Surviving Economic Abuse, Abused Men in Scotland and Income Max presented, with a session to discuss how different solutions providers are collaborating to ensure that supporting your vulnerable customers can be as seamless as possible, with Prinsix, Elanev, Morgan Ash, VCX and ourselves.

You can see the whole webinar here 

And the individual presentations:


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