
Vulnerability Registration Service launches new feature to help protect vulnerable unpaid carers in the UK

 ‘Overwhelmed and at the bottom of the priority list’ - unpaid carers face significant mental and financial challenges making them among those most as risk of becoming vulnerable, according to the VRS. Organisations must take proactive steps to understand who among their customers are unpaid carers, so that they can…
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‘Supporting Your Team in Supporting Vulnerable Customers’ Webinar Recap. Feb 2024 Webinar Expert speakers from National Support Network and BPA Quality presented at our recent webinar, to highlight why it’s so important to support your team members when they are supporting vulnerable customers. Topics covered included: 'Handling' Disclosures Signposting Pulse Check Well-considered Signposting NSN Support Hub Solution The…
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VRS Virtual Event – ‘Supporting your Team in Supporting Vulnerable Customers’ – 20th February 2024

The Vulnerability Registration Service are working in collaboration with National Support Network and BPA Quality and we would be delighted for you to join us on Tuesday 20 February 2024 from 11:00 through until 12:45. This event is being hosted via Zoom by Absolutely Admin Solutions Ltd. Hear from expert speakers on why it’s…
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Rip Off Britain – Helen talks about the Priority Services Registers

This week Gloria asked Helen whether all energy companies are meeting their obligations to support their vulnerable customers, and how the PSR's can be improved through increased awareness. You can watch Gloria and Helen through the BBC iPlayer.
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Burnley Savings and Loans has joined the Vulnerability Registration Service

A new partnership between the Vulnerability Registration Service (VRS) and Burnley Savings and Loans - the company created by local business man David Fishwick, and made famous by the film Bank of Dave - will result in even more vulnerable people receiving the care and consideration they need. Burnley Savings and Loans will…
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Kent County Council & VRS

The VRS are delighted to announce our partnership with Kent County Council. Kent are sharing their vulnerable client data with us to help protect their vulnerable residents. We have also signed up to their ‘ReferKent’ service so that other organisations that work with vulnerable people can be easily signpost them…
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VRS Webinar – One Stop Shop.

If you missed the webinar this week, you can catch up here. Excellent presentations from IncomeMax, Healthy Home Solutions, Data on Demand and the VRS. AGENDA 09:15 - 09:30 Registration Arrival/Networking 09:30 - 09:40 Welcome and House-Keeping - Kirstie Gatter, VRS Client and Partnership Liaison Manager & Chair/Heidi Oliver,…
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How do we find and engage with the most in need?

“14.6 million people in the UK (27% of people) consider themselves vulnerable, with 24.5 million adults (45% of the population) affected by circumstances that the FCA defines as key drivers for vulnerability.” We've worked together with Healthy Homes Solutions to produce this 'How can we help the Vulnerable' Interim Insights…
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80% of UK adults have never heard of the Priority Services Register, new research reveals

Millions of vulnerable people are missing out on free support and protection, despite Ofgem telling energy providers that they need to be better at identifying customers in need and adding them to the Priority Services Register. Energy firms simply do not know who their vulnerable customers are, says Vulnerability Registration…
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Vulnerable people more likely to have been pressured to take out credit for someone else

11% of vulnerable people, compared to 5% of the general population, have been pressured into taking out credit in their name for someone else Rising cost of living becoming a significant barrier to escape for many in abusive relationships UK, 11 January 2023 – New research has revealed that 1.6…
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