

The VRS was formally unveiled on Wednesday 11 September at an extremely well attended event in central London, at the Royal Society. There was standing room only at the event, with the audience made up of senior decision-makers from financial services, utilities, the third sector and other relevant bodies. Attendees…
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Vulnerability and gambling: the need for preventative action

The relationship between vulnerability and gambling is a particularly difficult one, which requires careful thought amongst all involved – and the reasons for this have been much in the news lately. Figures from earlier this month, for instance, show that the number of people suffering from gambling addiction being admitted…
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Welcome guidance on fair treatment of the vulnerable consumer

The VRS welcomes the recent announcement by the Financial Conduct Authority, of its renewed commitment to help the vulnerable protect themselves from financial harm – on this occasion, with a new consultation on guidelines for firms dealing with vulnerable consumers. The guidance does not so much provide a checklist of…
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Destitution, vulnerability and debt: a combination to be wary of

Destitution, vulnerability and debt: a combination to be wary of It may seem obvious that those facing destitution can be deemed vulnerable – but sometimes, when someone goes out and does the research, we actually get a clear look at the troubling reality. And, when we do, it can help…
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Energy UK on vulnerable consumers

In 2018, Energy UK launched the Commission for Customers in Vulnerable Circumstances, to explore how customers in vulnerable circumstances could be provided better energy services in the future. The report has now been published, following a year of evidence gathering and engagement with stakeholders, and has identified seven key themes…
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Loneliness Awareness Week

VRS applauds the work being done by the Marmalade Trust to promote Loneliness Awareness Week this week, which is intended to increase awareness and reduce the stigma of loneliness. VRS agrees that there needs to be more recognition of loneliness within our society, and more support offered to those in…
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CAP publishes ‘Stacked Against’ report

The debt charity Christians Against Poverty (CAP) have recently published a hugely insightful report on vulnerability, ‘Stacked Against’. It looks at the overuse of the term by companies and financial organisations, meaning that too many people are labelled as vulnerable, and those who are truly desperate are getting overlooked. Whilst…
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How can we protect the vulnerable from scams and fraud?

As we age, it is a fact that we are more likely to experience circumstances that increase the risk of vulnerability, be it bereavement, cognitive decline or physical difficulty with daily living. As a result it becomes harder for these vulnerable consumers to protect themselves from fraud. Although anyone can…
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MPs speak out on financial vulnerability

The VRS welcomes a report published last week by the Treasury Select Committee on their inquiry into consumers’ access to financial services. We were deeply encouraged to see that the Select Committee’s findings align so closely with the aims and motivations of the VRS, with the Select Committee concluding that…
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VRS wins Credit Information Provider of the Year award

A quote given out during the awards suggests that "Taken forward well, this initiative can become a standard part of data offerings across the credit bureau" The important work that the VRS is doing to protect and support financially vulnerable consumers was recognised last night when it was a winner in…
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