When someone registers with us they can choose to be pre-declined for financial service applications, or they can simply add a ‘referral flag’ to let organisations know of their circumstances. When the organisation sees one of these flags, they can take those circumstances into consideration.

We have a range of flags to choose from, and it’s entirely up to you whether you want to give this information when you register.

Flag Description Explanation
Physical disability A physical condition that affects a person’s mobility, physical capacity, stamina or dexterity.
Mental health Someone who suffers from a condition causing serious disorder in a person’s behaviour or thinking.
Physical health Someone who suffers from a condition that causes serious and life-limiting physical health issues.
Cognitive disorder Someone who suffers from disorders that affect cognitive abilities, including learning, memory, perception and problem solving.
Lifecycle event Life events that impact on decision making.
Gambling addiction Gambling addiction.
Deceased A third party can notify when an individual is deceased.
Financial difficulty Someone who, due to their financial situation, is not sufficiently resilient to manage financial shock.
Financial capacity Someone who lacks the knowledge, skill to make appropriate decisions about their finances.
Risk of Coercion Someone at risk of being persuaded to do something by using force or threats.
Accessibility Someone who requires information in a particular medium, or doesn’t speak English as a first language, for example.
Sight – Blindness Someone has a corrected vision of 20/200 in their best-seeing eye
Sight – Partial sight Someone who is not completely blind but are able to see very little
Hearing – Deaf Someone who has a severe hearing problem
Hearing – Partially deaf Someone with quite a lot of useful hearing but still needs a hearing aid or a cochlear implant to help them hear well
Low level of literacy Someone who may not be able to read to an average level
Low level of numeracy Someone with poor understanding of how maths is used in the real world and ability to apply it to make the best possible decisions
Limited technological capability Someone with low level capabilities which equip someone to live, learn and work in a digital society.
Dyslexia Someone with a learning difficulty that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling
Loneliness/isolation Someone with the distressing feeling of being alone or separated, or the lack of social contacts and having few people to interact with regularly
Debt Management Plan Debt management is a way to manage your debt through financial planning and budgeting and move towards eliminating it completely.
Debt Relief Order A Debt Relief Order (DRO) is a way of dealing with your debts if you can’t afford to pay them. It means you don’t have to pay certain kinds of debt for a specified period (usually 12 months). At the end of the DRO period, the debts included in it will be written off (‘discharged’) and you won’t have to pay them
Bankruptcy Bankruptcy is a legal status that usually lasts for a year and can be a way to clear debts you can’t pay. When you’re bankrupt, your non-essential assets (property and what you own) and excess income are used to pay off your creditors (people you owe money to). At the end of the bankruptcy, most debts are cancelled.
Old age (increased chance of cognitive or physical impairment) In the UK, 65 years of age has traditionally been taken as the marker for the start of older age
Addiction to alcohol or drugs Someone who does not have control over what they are doing, taking or using, to the point where it could be harmful to them.
Victim of Fraud Someone who has previously been a victim of fraud
Unpaid Carer Someone who cares for, and may act of behalf of, a family member, partner or friend.
Affected Other Someone who is affected by another person’s actions – eg a family member or associate of someone suffering addiction, or mental health issues
Neurodevelopmental Disorders Someone affected by ADD, ADHD, Autism etc
Bereavement A person who has lost someone important to them.
Limited or No English Language Someone who does not speak English as their primary language and has a limited ability to read, speak, write, or understand English.
Individual Voluntary Arrangement An Individual Voluntary Arrangement ( IVA ) is an agreement with your creditors to pay all or part of your debts. You agree to make regular payments to an insolvency practitioner, who will divide this money between your creditors. An IVA can give you more control of your assets than bankruptcy.